
Saturday, June 1, 2024

Website link not opening always

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Your DNS configuration is incorrect

You need to add four A-records pointing to your root domain (without www.):
  • @ or blank -> A ->
  • @ or blank -> A ->
  • @ or blank -> A ->
  • @ or blank -> A ->
Delete A-record with this IP:
  • - if you don't know how, ask Hostinger
Then add two CNAME records:
  •  www -> CNAME -> ghs.google.com. (OR ghs.googlehosted.com.)
  • your-security-code * -> CNAME -> gv-your-security-code.dv.googlehosted.com.
Please follow steps 2 and 3 in this help article:
  • Set up a custom domain


* Here's how you can check or get your security CNAME record, generated for a specific Google account and domain:
  1. open this link: https://search.google.com/search-console/not-verified?hl=en
  2. click on [Search property]
  3. select your Domain or URL property
  4. scroll down the left sidebar
  5. click on the Settings tab
  6. select Users and permissions
  7. click the three dots next to the email marked as "(you)" (More actions on the right)
  8. select Ownership verification details
  9. copy your Domain name provider details
  10. add that unique CNAME record (DNS settings at your domain provider)

Wait ~1 hour and refresh your HTTPS settings:
  1. go to your https://www.blogger.com dashboard
  2. open Settings tab
  3. Make sure that "Redirect domain" is enabled
  4. scroll down to "HTTPS"
  5. disable "HTTPS availability"
  6. wait 5 minutes and refresh the Settings tab
  7. enable "HTTPS availability" again
  8. wait 15-60 minutes** and refresh the Settings tab
  9. enable "HTTPS redirect" if the status is "Available / OK"
  10. then: clear the cache in your browser (if possible, only for your domain name)
** Your SSL certificate will not be generated immediately, that's why you have to wait.
With "Redirect domain" and"HTTPS redirect" enabled, all links will be redirected  to https://www...

Set up a custom domain

Set up a custom domain

Important: If you use CAA Records on your custom domain, you must add a record for letsencrypt.org. If you don’t, Blogger won't create or renew your SSL certificate.

To personalize your blog’s website address, you can buy a domain. If you’re an administrator, you can manage domains registered through Blogger.

Set up your domain with your blog

When you buy a domain from a domain provider, you can set up your domain and manage its settings in Blogger.

 Important: It may take up to 24 hours for your “blogspot.com” address to redirect you to your custom domain.

Set up your domain in Blogger

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. At the top left, select a blog.
  3. In the left menu, click Settings.
  4. Under “Publishing,” click Custom domain.
    1. Enter the URL of the domain that you bought.
    2. Click Save.
  5. You get an error with 2 CNAMEs:
    • Blog CNAME: For name, enter the name as the subdomain, like "blog." or "www." For destination, enter “ghs.google.com.”
    • Security CNAME: “Name: XXX, Destination: XXX.” This is different for each person and is specific to your blog and your Google Account.

Set up your domain provider settings

  1. Go to your domain provider’s website.
  2. Find the Domain Name System (DNS) in the control panel.
    1. Under "Name, Label or Host," enter the subdomain from step 5 above.
    2. Under "Destination, Target or Points to," enter "ghs.google.com."
  3. Enter details for the second CNAME, which are specific to your blog and Google Account.
  4. To activate your DNS settings, wait at least one hour.
  5. Repeat Set up your domain in Blogger.

Redirect URL without subdomain to your blog’s URL

To redirect your readers from “mydomain.com” to “www.mydomain.com,” set up a naked redirect:

  1. Go to your domain provider’s website.
  2. Open your DNS settings.
  3. Add these 4 A-records that point to Google IPs. If A-records for "mydomain.com" already exist, you should remove the existing A-records.
  4. Sign in to Blogger.
  5. In the top left, select a blog.
  6. From the menu on the left, click Settings.
  7. Under "Publishing," turn on Redirect domain (mydomain.com to www.mydomain.com).

Fix issues with custom domain setup

If you have problems, try these steps:

  • When you set up your domain, you may not have to enter the 2 CNAMEs.
  • Make sure the "Name, Label, or Host" CNAME is correct.
  • If your custom domain doesn’t work, wait before you try the steps again. If you have problems, contact your domain provider.

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Disclaimer: The materials on this website is given for general information only and does not guarantee 100% solution. I accepts no responsibility for loss or no liability occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of material contained in this website.

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