Your DNS configuration is incorrect
- @ or blank -> A ->
- @ or blank -> A ->
- @ or blank -> A ->
- @ or blank -> A ->
- - if you don't know how, ask Hostinger
- www -> CNAME -> (OR
- your-security-code * -> CNAME ->
- Set up a custom domain
- open this link:
- click on [Search property]
- select your Domain or URL property
- scroll down the left sidebar
- click on the Settings tab
- select Users and permissions
- click the three dots next to the email marked as "(you)" (More actions on the right)
- select Ownership verification details
- copy your Domain name provider details
- add that unique CNAME record (DNS settings at your domain provider)
- go to your dashboard
- open Settings tab
- Make sure that "Redirect domain" is enabled
- scroll down to "HTTPS"
- disable "HTTPS availability"
- wait 5 minutes and refresh the Settings tab
- enable "HTTPS availability" again
- wait 15-60 minutes** and refresh the Settings tab
- enable "HTTPS redirect" if the status is "Available / OK"
- then: clear the cache in your browser (if possible, only for your domain name)
Set up a custom domain
Set up a custom domain
Important: If you use CAA Records on your custom domain, you must add a record for If you don’t, Blogger won't create or renew your SSL certificate.
To personalize your blog’s website address, you can buy a domain. If you’re an administrator, you can manage domains registered through Blogger.
Set up your domain with your blog
When you buy a domain from a domain provider, you can set up your domain and manage its settings in Blogger.
Important: It may take up to 24 hours for your “” address to redirect you to your custom domain.
Set up your domain in Blogger
- Sign in to Blogger.
- At the top left, select a blog.
- In the left menu, click Settings.
- Under “Publishing,” click Custom domain.
- Enter the URL of the domain that you bought.
- Click Save.
- You get an error with 2 CNAMEs:
- Blog CNAME: For name, enter the name as the subdomain, like "blog." or "www." For destination, enter “”
- Security CNAME: “Name: XXX, Destination: XXX.” This is different for each person and is specific to your blog and your Google Account.
Set up your domain provider settings
- Go to your domain provider’s website.
- Find the Domain Name System (DNS) in the control panel.
- Under "Name, Label or Host," enter the subdomain from step 5 above.
- Under "Destination, Target or Points to," enter ""
- Enter details for the second CNAME, which are specific to your blog and Google Account.
- To activate your DNS settings, wait at least one hour.
- Repeat Set up your domain in Blogger.
Redirect URL without subdomain to your blog’s URL
To redirect your readers from “” to “,” set up a naked redirect:
- Go to your domain provider’s website.
- Open your DNS settings.
- Add these 4 A-records that point to Google IPs. If A-records for "" already exist, you should remove the existing A-records.
- Sign in to Blogger.
- In the top left, select a blog.
- From the menu on the left, click Settings.
- Under "Publishing," turn on Redirect domain ( to
Fix issues with custom domain setup
If you have problems, try these steps:
- When you set up your domain, you may not have to enter the 2 CNAMEs.
- Make sure the "Name, Label, or Host" CNAME is correct.
- If your custom domain doesn’t work, wait before you try the steps again. If you have problems, contact your domain provider.
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Disclaimer: The materials on this website is given for general information only and does not guarantee 100% solution. I accepts no responsibility for loss or no liability occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of material contained in this website.
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